Multi-node Linux Jumpbox cluster
- Design and build multi-node Linux Jumpbox cluster with shared users home directories and 2FA authentication.
Automatic WAF system deployment
- Design and write code for automatic build of the WAF system with destinations of Docker container, AWS AMI image and bare-metal / native Linux.
Automatic Docker Swarm cluster deployment
- Ansible play to fully deploy and configure Docker Swarm cluster with API over TLS and authorization via private certificate.
Automatic AMI build
- Design and build the Automatic AWS Golden AMI image creation pipeline.
SSH Docker jumpbox
- A simple and small docker container that will act as a Linux jumpbox.
- Design and build a fully redundant AWS HA SFTP cluster with the Rundeck task scheduler.
Home Kodi Manager
- Homebrew web application for managing multiple Kodi instances running on Raspberry Pis . The application is hosted as a docker container on Odroid C1+.
Poor man's Boiler Manager
- A simple web application for managing the Combi boiler that heats radiators. Ad-hoc and scheduled heating ON/OFF. Runs on Raspberry pi Zero W. Source code will be publicly available soon.
and much much more ...
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